About Justin

At the age of 13, Justin first encountered a guitar, an electric, at his grandparents' house. His grandfather sent the guitar home with him, along with a "learn to play guitar" book, and it wasn't long before Justin developed a love for the instrument. Through this humble beginning, he discovered a passion for guitar and music.
Justin found quickly that he was inclined to use the fingers of the right hand to play the guitar, rather than a pick, and began to play classical music. After pursuing this style for a time, he was introduced to the stylistically broader genre of guitar playing known simply as "fingerstyle." Drawn to the new challenge and diversity, Justin claimed this as his style and soon began to compose his own music.
Justin has now been playing guitar for over 15 years, and has had the privilege of performing before fingerstyle masters Doyle Dykes and Tommy Emmanuel, and also before Christian music greats Paul Clark and Matthew Ward.
A note from Justin: "I love the guitar, and I love music; but most of all, I love my Lord Jesus Christ. He created me, my hands, my soul which can appreciate and compose music, and music itself. I play my music to the glory of God, since ultimately it all comes back to Him and how He has chosen to bless and inspire me."
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and
cometh down from the Father of lights..." -James 1:17a
Gear of Choice:
Taylor Guitars
Elixir Strings
Fred Kelly Thumbpicks
Shubb Capos